A great tip to flush toxic fluoride from your system:

Organic And Healthy Report—Fluoride is particularly had to get rid of as it bio-accumulates in the body, meaning the more of it you take on, the more it accumulates. Fluoride damage is particularly bad for the thyroid because its store of iodine is depleted. Iodine deficiency can effect the thyroid’s metabolic and immune functions, leading to hypothyroidism and lowered immunity. Follow The Link For The Full Report. -EH 


Major Panic at Big Pharma as 80% Now Choose Cannabis Over Prescriptions Pills.

Organic And Healthy Reported— The pharmaceutical and alcohol industries, both powerful influences in Washington, have long lobbied against cannabis legalization in order to protect their profits. However, the tide has turned as decriminalization of medical and recreational cannabis sweeps the nation and the continent. 

— With legalization, The survey of 473 adult therapeutic cannabis users found that 87% of respondents gave up prescription medications, alcohol, or other drugs in favor of cannabis. Adults under 40 were likely to give up all three of these for medical cannabis. Full Report In Link. -EH 


US Government Attacks Drudge Report

A tweet from conservative media icon Matt Drudge’s verified Twitter account Thursday night appeared to accuse the government of interfering with his website, DrudgeReport.com, just hours after the Barack Obama administration announced new sanctions against Russia over election hacking. Full Report In Link. -EH 


Amazon awarded patent for flying warehouse

Breaking911 Reported— Amazon now plans to use flying warehouses to assist its drones to make deliveries, a new patent has revealed.BThe airships, described as airborne fulfilment centers, these airships will hover over towns at 45,000ft before releasing drones to deliver packages.

The latest patent was filed back in May of this year and recently uncovered by Zoe Leavitt of CB Insights.Follow Link For More On Amazon Airdrops. -EH  


Cells dripped into the brain help man fight a deadly cancer

Fox Reported–A man with deadly brain cancer that had spread to his spine saw his tumors shrink and, for a time, completely vanish after a novel treatment to help his immune system attack his disease — another first in this promising field.

— The type of immunotherapy that 50-year-old Richard Grady received already has helped some people with blood cancers such as leukemia. But the way he was given it is new, and may allow its use not just for brain tumors but also other cancers that can spread, such as breast and lung. Follow The Link For The Full Report. -EH 


Russia-US row: Putin rules out tit-for-tat expulsion of diplomats

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ruled out a tit-for-tat response after the US expelled 35 Russian diplomats amid a row over hacking. He said Russia would not “stoop” to the level of “irresponsible diplomacy” but would work to restore ties with the US under President-elect Donald Trump.

Russia’s foreign ministry had formally asked Mr Putin to expel 35 US envoys. The country denies involvement in hacking related to the US election, calling US sanctions “ungrounded”. Follow The Link For Full Report. -EH 



Conservative Daily Reported–  A lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court in D.C. this week that could force the government’s hand on the issue of Russian interference with the election. Ryan Shapiro and Jason Leopold filed the FOIA lawsuit alleging that the CIA, the FBI, the Dept. of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence have all failed to comply with requests to release any records they have regarding Russian interference in the presidential election. Follow The Link For The Full Report. -EH 

Payback: CIA, FBI, And Loretta Lynch Now Being SUED For Actual Proof Of “Russian Hackers”

Marco Rubio And Ted Cruz Join Forces And Make Major Move To Take Down Kerry And The UN

Conservative101 Reported– Obama has angered a lot of people with his latest anti-Israel, pro-Muslim deal with the UN. Secretary of State John Kerry made it worse by claiming that Israel can be Jewish, or it can be Democratic, but it can’t be both. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are both standing up against this in amazing ways. Find The Full Report Here. -EH 


Obama unleashes 3,853 regs, 18 for every law, record 97,110 pages of red tape

President Obama’s lame duck administration poured on thousands more new regulations in 2016 at a rate of 18 for every new law passed, according to a Friday analysis of his team’s expansion of federal authority.

While Congress passed just 211 laws, Obama’s team issued an accompanying 3,852 new federal regulations, some costing billions of dollars.

The 2016 total was the highest annual number of regulations under Obama. Former President Bush issued more in the wake of 9/11.

The proof that it was an overwhelming year for rules and regulations is in the Federal Register, which ended the year Friday by printing a record-setting 97,110 pages, according to the analysis from the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

