Vox Asks: Is it Time We Started Adding Lithium to Water Supply?

Left-wing media outlet Vox is questioning whether the U.S. should start adding lithium to the public’s water supply.

In an article entitled “How our drinking water could help prevent suicide,” Vox highlights psychiatry professor Nassir Ghaemi and his claims that the practice would be beneficial for the American populace.

“High-lithium areas, he says, have suicide rates 50 to 60 percent lower than those of low-lithium areas,” Vox writes, citing a study co-authored by Ghaemi.

“In general, in the United States, lithium levels are much higher in the Northeast and East Coast and very low in the Mountain West,” Ghaemi said. “And suicide rates track that exactly — much lower suicide rates in the Northeast, and the highest rates of suicide are in the Mountain West.”

The article goes on to state that lithium advocates allege “tens of thousands of lives a year” could be saved with “small amounts of lithium, amounts likely too small to have significant side effects.”

Comparing such a move to “the way we put fluoride in to protect our teeth,” Vox adds, however, that countless studies prove lithium to not be effective whatsoever.

Vox argues that mass-drugging the U.S. citizenry, if alleged to be effective by scientists, should be done anyway.

“At the very least, I’d love for some governments to conduct real, bona fide experiments on lithium,” the article states.

Such a policy, Vox continues, would be ethically sound so long as the practice is deemed to be more good than bad.

“There are serious ethical questions about doing experiments like this that affect whole populations, but if lithium’s effect is real and we don’t pursue it because we lack compelling enough evidence, thereby endangering thousands of people — that’s an ethical problem too,” the article adds.

Vox even describes adding lithium to the water as a beneficial “mind-control plot.”

“The rap against fluoride, mocked in movies like Dr. Strangelove, is that it’s a mind-control plot. But putting lithium in the water would actually be a mind-control plot: It would be a concerted effort by the government to put mind-altering chemicals in the water supply to change the behavior of the citizenry,” Vox writes. “And I say that as someone who thinks that, if it works, that it would be a great idea!”

Listen to a 2010 interview between Alex Jones and board certified neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock on the dangers of lithium below:



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