Belgium Gov on Brink of Collapse Over UN Migration Pact

Belgium’s government is at risk crumbling over the United Nations’ controversial Migration Pact, which has been welcomed by the nation’s Prime Minister Charles Michel but challenged by the country’s largest opposition party.

Bart de Wever, leader of the New-Flemish Alliance, has blasted the UN Migration Pact as unacceptable while Belgium’s leader Mr. Michel is keen to sign it in a move that could trigger the fall of the Belgian government. Mr de Wever said: “It’s non-binding, but will that serve as an argument in court? The fact that the EU is no longer pursuing push-back policies on refugees is the result of a court decision, not a political one.” As a result of the divide, judges in Belgium have suggested the “solution” is to add a further clause that would essentially reduce the implications of the UN pact for the EU member state. This has sparked further fury by Mr de Wever’s party, with members refusing to budge on their stance on the pact regardless of the talks.

This has sparked outrage by Mr. Michel, who raged: “It’s not impossible to find a solution!”

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