Trump Promises “Very Long” Gov Shutdown If Wall Not Funded

President Trump said the government shutdown will happen if Democrats in the Senate do not vote for funding the US-Mexico border wall.

Trump warns that the “very long” shutdown will be entirely on them as both parties are locked in a negotiation stalemate, according to CNBC:

Parts of the government will close if Congress cannot pass seven spending bills by midnight Friday. As of the morning, lawmakers appeared far from breaking an impasse over whether to fund the barrier on the U.S.-Mexico border.

House Republicans passed a bill Thursday night to keep the government running through Feb. 8 and put more than $5 billion toward the president’s wall. The Senate is expected to vote on, and reject, the legislation after it convenes at noon on Friday.

The GOP-controlled chamber already passed a temporary funding measure without wall money. Democrats, whose votes are needed to reach the necessary 60 in the Senate, have repeatedly said they will not approve funds for the barrier. Republicans hold a 51-49 majority.

Correspondingly, Trump set up a meeting with the Senate GOP while giving Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell the green light to use the “nuclear option” against the Dems, Washington Times reports:

President Trump is set to meet Friday with Senate Republicans ahead of a vote that could partially shut down the government over border security funding, the White House said.

“President Trump will meet with Senate Republicans this morning at 10:30 to discuss the Funding Bill and the importance of Border Security,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement.

Missing from the meeting are Senate Democrats who have vowed to oppose additional spending on border security.

Additionally, the government shutdown may happen as a new poll reveals that polarization in politics has reached levels that makes any compromise unlikely.


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