VA Gov Northam Yearbook Page Features Men in Blackface, KKK Outfits

A photo featuring a man outfitted in blackface and another in a KKK robe appears on a yearbook page dedicated to Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, according to reports Friday.

The page reportedly comes from the governor’s 1984 Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook.

The Virginian-Pilot reports:

On the half-page set aside for Northam, there is a headshot of him in a jacket and tie, a photo of him in a cowboy hat and boots and a third of him sitting casually on the ground, leaning against a convertible.

The fourth photo on the half-page has two people, one wearing white Ku Klux Klan robes and a hood, the other with his face painted black. The person with the black face is also wearing a white hat, black jacket, white shirt with a bow tie and plaid pants. Both are holding canned drinks.

Credit: The Virginian-Pilot

It should be noted it’s not clear who the people in the photo are, but a quote belonging to Northam which appears below the photo states: “There are more old drunks than old doctors in this world so I think I’ll have another beer.”

Members of the Virginia GOP Friday demanded Northam resign, or offer an explanation for the photo.


Trump Promises “Very Long” Gov Shutdown If Wall Not Funded

President Trump said the government shutdown will happen if Democrats in the Senate do not vote for funding the US-Mexico border wall.

Trump warns that the “very long” shutdown will be entirely on them as both parties are locked in a negotiation stalemate, according to CNBC:

Parts of the government will close if Congress cannot pass seven spending bills by midnight Friday. As of the morning, lawmakers appeared far from breaking an impasse over whether to fund the barrier on the U.S.-Mexico border.

House Republicans passed a bill Thursday night to keep the government running through Feb. 8 and put more than $5 billion toward the president’s wall. The Senate is expected to vote on, and reject, the legislation after it convenes at noon on Friday.

The GOP-controlled chamber already passed a temporary funding measure without wall money. Democrats, whose votes are needed to reach the necessary 60 in the Senate, have repeatedly said they will not approve funds for the barrier. Republicans hold a 51-49 majority.

Correspondingly, Trump set up a meeting with the Senate GOP while giving Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell the green light to use the “nuclear option” against the Dems, Washington Times reports:

President Trump is set to meet Friday with Senate Republicans ahead of a vote that could partially shut down the government over border security funding, the White House said.

“President Trump will meet with Senate Republicans this morning at 10:30 to discuss the Funding Bill and the importance of Border Security,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement.

Missing from the meeting are Senate Democrats who have vowed to oppose additional spending on border security.

Additionally, the government shutdown may happen as a new poll reveals that polarization in politics has reached levels that makes any compromise unlikely.


Belgium Gov on Brink of Collapse Over UN Migration Pact

Belgium’s government is at risk crumbling over the United Nations’ controversial Migration Pact, which has been welcomed by the nation’s Prime Minister Charles Michel but challenged by the country’s largest opposition party.

Bart de Wever, leader of the New-Flemish Alliance, has blasted the UN Migration Pact as unacceptable while Belgium’s leader Mr. Michel is keen to sign it in a move that could trigger the fall of the Belgian government. Mr de Wever said: “It’s non-binding, but will that serve as an argument in court? The fact that the EU is no longer pursuing push-back policies on refugees is the result of a court decision, not a political one.” As a result of the divide, judges in Belgium have suggested the “solution” is to add a further clause that would essentially reduce the implications of the UN pact for the EU member state. This has sparked further fury by Mr de Wever’s party, with members refusing to budge on their stance on the pact regardless of the talks.

This has sparked outrage by Mr. Michel, who raged: “It’s not impossible to find a solution!”

Read more


NRA sues Florida over gun bill same day Gov. Scott signed it into action

The law was enacted in the wake of the Valentine’s Day shooting death of 17 students and teachers at Stoneman Douglas, allegedly by a 19-year-old former male student who authorities said legally bought the AR-15-style rifle used in the attack.

The lawsuit names Attorney General Pam Bondi and Rick Swearingen, Commissioner of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Scott’s office said he was reviewing the lawsuit.

More about the school safety law

Read the NRA lawsuit aiming to shut down gun control law

Florida Governor Rick Scott signs gun control bill, arms some teachers

The complaint says the new law prohibits law-abiding citizens between the ages of 18 and 21 from lawfully purchasing a firearm of any kind.


‘FBI director needs to resign,’ Gov. Rick Scott says after FBI…

“Seventeen innocent people are dead and acknowledging a mistake isn’t going to cut it. An apology will never bring these 17 Floridians back to life or comfort the families who are in pain. The families will spend a lifetime wondering how this could happen, and an apology will never give them the answers they desperately need.”

Cruz, 19, faces 17 counts of premeditated murder in connection with the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

The FBI confirmed Friday that a tipster who was close to Cruz called the FBI on Jan. 5 and provided information about Cruz’s guns, desire to kill people, erratic behavior and disturbing social media posts.

FBI officials said the caller expressed concerns Cruz could attack a school.

Robert Lasky, FBI Special Agent in Charge of the Miami field office, said agents in the Miami field office were never notified about the tip.

“The FBI has determined that protocol was not followed. The information was not provided to the Miami field office and no further investigation was conducted at that time,” Lasky said Friday at a news conference. “We will conduct an in-depth review of our internal procedures for responding to information that is provided by the public.”