NXIVM Founder Plotted To Install Sex Cult Member Into ‘High-Level Political Office’

Founder of the sex cult group NXIVM plotted to install a female “lieutenant” into a top political office, according to one of his members’ court testimony.

Lauren Salzman, a member of leader Keith Raniere’s inner circle known as DOS, was tasked with recruiting “people of power and influence” into NXIVM, she said to a Brooklyn court on Monday.

Raniere hoped “that we might have a DOS candidate in a high-level political office,” Salzman said, adding that the prospective candidate would have to be “highly collateralized,” meaning NXIVM would have needed blackmail material on her to control her.

Additionally, Salzman testified that Raniere wanted to expand the New York-based sex cult into a nationwide enterprise, and have new members initially use masks and pseudonyms a la Eyes Wide Shut to make it more accessible.

“I think he envisioned it would have thousands or almost a million people,” Salzman said. “He was pushing me specifically to have 100” slaves.

It’s no secret as to which political party Raniere’s candidate would have been.

Several high-profile members of NXIVM, such as billionaire heiress Clare Bronfman, donated thousands to Hillary Clinton in 2007, and have ties to 2020 Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand.

Additionally, Salzman confirmed that the sex cult itself illegally raised donations for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential run.

Lauren Salzman pleaded guilty to enslaving women for the group, while her mother Nancy Salzman pleaded guilty to racketeering conspiracy.

The trial against Raniere began earlier this month, where he’s pleaded not guilty to a variety of felony charges including racketeering conspiracy, identity theft, extortion, forced labor, money laundering, wire fraud and sex trafficking.


Illegals Bring Measles Into US, As April Sets Record for Border Crossings

A group of 289 Central American migrants heading for America, including children with measles and other unspecified diseases, was detained in the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas on Monday.

Some of the children were also found to have chickenpox, which is an infection the left has been spreading fear about over the past few years.

This comes as a record high 109,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended at America’s southern border in April.

Meanwhile, as illegals admittedly pour into the country with sicknesses, “anti-vaxxers” are being blamed for outbreaks of measles, chickenpox, etc.

The federal government has already released 168,000 illegal immigrants into U.S. communities in 2019, with 87% skipping scheduled court appearances.

With Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen testifying before Congress in March to warn that one million illegal immigrants are estimated to cross the southern border in 2019, what will the government do to keep Americans safe?

As usual, Infowars.com has been at the tip of the spear, warning about the danger of illegal immigrants bringing disease into the country for years now as seen in the following censored reports:


Chemicals from sunscreen seep into bloodstream in one day, FDA study shows

It only takes one day for several common sunscreen ingredients to enter the bloodstream, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration study shows.

In the study, the FDA completed research on a dozen chemical sunscreens and found four of the chemicals — avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene and ecamsule — remain in the body for at least 24 hours after sunscreen use stopped.

Now, this absolutely does not mean you should stop wearing sunscreen to prevent cancer. The FDA said much more research is needed to figure out if these chemicals can be considered safe.

Another option is to use barrier sunscreens with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. These physical sunblocks block the sun’s rays and don’t have the chemicals in question.

“I would want to make sure that my patients are not afraid to use sunscreen,” said Dr. Tanya Nino. “Continue to protect their skin from the sun because ultraviolet light is the most preventable risk factor for developing skin cancer.”

Read the full study here.


Nigel Farage quits Ukip over fears Tommy Robinson is turning party into BNP

The 54-year-old claimed the party, under anti-Islam leader Gerard Batten, was “turning a blind eye to extremist politics”.

Speaking on his radio show on LBC, the anti-Brussels stalwart said: “I don’t recognise the party as that I helped to found all those years ago.

“I think the brand is tarnished. It cannot capitalise on the opportunities being presented to it.

“So with a very great reluctance, I have as of now, cancelled my membership of UKIP.”

Mr Farage, who tried and failed seven times to become a Ukip MP and is still an MEP for the party, said there was a “huge space” for a Brexit party in British politics but claimed it “won’t be filled by Ukip”.



Nimes Feria terror: Driver shouting ‘allahu akbar’ ploughs into crowd in south France

The 32-year-old suspect mowed down two suspects who have been rushed to hospital following the shock incident at 1am in Nimes, southern France, where bystanders had gathered in preparation for the region’s annual grape harvesting festival.

The man was reported to have sped the car towards a crowd of 50 people outside the L’Instant T bar.

Witnesses said the man had tried to flee the scene but had been stopped by bystanders before being arrested by police at 1.30am.

The victims had been standing behind barriers when the car hit them.

They were rushed to a nearby hospital in a stable condition having suffered injuries to their lower limbs.

A source told French publication Midi Libre the man was not known to police for suspected radicalisation.

The region’s public prosecutor Eric Maurel said the suspect was in a state of mental confusion” during his arrest, which followed him being roughed up by the crowd of witnesses who tried to restrain him.

Read more



Obama back into fray, calls out Trump by name: ‘He is a symptom, not the cause’

Former President Barack Obama on Friday lamented the state of politics today, calling out his successor, Donald Trump, by name as he started his push to ramp up Democratic energy for midterms.

Mr. Obama made his return to the political arena by giving a speech at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign after receiving the Paul H. Douglas Award for Ethics in Government.

He praised America’s accomplishments but said there is a darker side to progress when politicians peddle resentment and mistrust to preserve the status quo.

“It did not start with Donald Trump. He is a symptom, not the cause,” Mr. Obamasaid. “He’s just capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years.”

Mr. Obama also took a jab at Mr. Trump’s emphasis on the economy, telling the audience “remember when that recovery started.”



White House “Taking a Look” Into Regulating Google

The Trump administration is “taking a look” into regulating Google, according to National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow.

Kudlow’s revelation comes amid the growing Internet censorship of conservatives before mid-term elections.

“We’ll let you know. We’re taking a look at it. We’ll let you know,” he told reporters on Tuesday when asked if the president is taking action against the tech giant.



Grand Jury Report Into Sexual Abuse In 6 Pa. Dioceses Released

The long-awaited state grand jury report into sexual abuse in six Pennsylvania dioceses, including Pittsburgh and Greensburg, has finally been released.

The 884-page document, two years in the making, shines a light into the dark corners of these dioceses going back seven decades, exposing the predators and the efforts of their bishops to protect them.

“Today, the most comprehensive report on child sexual abuse within the church ever produced in our country was released,” Attorney General Josh Shapiro said. “Pennsylvanians can finally learn the extent of sexual abuse in these dioceses. For the first time, we can all begin to understand the systematic cover up by church leaders that followed. The abuse scarred every diocese. The cover up was sophisticated. The church protected the institution at all costs.”

Several clergy abuse victims who had testified before the grand jury attended Shapiro’s news conference. At least one of them could be seen breaking down in tears.

josh shapiro clergy sex abuse report 301 Predator Priests Named In Pa. Grand Jury Sex Abuse Report: ‘They Were Raping Little Boys & Girls’

(Photo Credit: KDKA)

The report begins with the following statement:

“We, the members of this grand jury, need you to hear this. We know some of you have head some of it before. There have been other reports about child sex abuse within the Catholic Church. But never on this scale. For many of us, those earlier stories happened someplace else, someplace away. Now we know the truth: it happened everywhere.”



Plan to split California into three states earns spot on ballot

California’s 168-year run as a single entity, hugging the continent’s edge for hundreds of miles and sprawling east across mountains and desert, could come to an end next year — as a controversial plan to split the Golden State into three new jurisdictions qualified Tuesday for the Nov. 6 ballot.

If a majority of voters who cast ballots agree, a long and contentious process would begin for three separate states to take the place of California, with one primarily centered around Los Angeles and the other two divvying up the counties to the north and south. Completion of the radical plan — far from certain, given its many hurdles at judicial, state and federal levels — would make history.



I Alexa bug let hackers turn into covert listening device

Amazon Echo speakers listen out for the word “Alexa”, the name of its voice assistant, before completing a command, like “Alexa, read tell me today’s news”. Any interaction with Alexa is recorded to improve the service, but once the command is finished, Alexa stops recording.

But security researchers from Checkmarx developed an Alexa Skill that would have been an Echo user’s worst nightmare. The Skill, a voice app that can be installed on an Echo speaker, would keep Alexa listening long after it should have switched itself off and automatically transcribe what it hears for an attacker.

When an Alexa skill completes its task it is supposed to stop listening. However, sometimes Alexa doesn’t hear a command correctly, which will lead the Echo to ask for the user to repeat it. This “re-prompt” feature could be exploited, the researchers found, and be programmed to carry on listening, while muting Alexa’s responses.

