Islamic state claims responsibility for Sri Lanka bombings

Islamic state has claimed responsibility for coordinated bombings in Sri Lanka which killed 321 people and injured about 500 others, the group’s AMAQ news agency said on Tuesday.

The group did not give evidence for its claim. (Reporting by Omar Fahmy; Writing by Nadine Awadalla)


New York State Budget: Congestion Pricing Coming To Manhattan

It has worked in cities like London and Singapore and state lawmakers are hoping congestion pricing will decrease traffic in New York City, too.

CBS2’s Hazel Sanchez found out what Sunday’s historic news means for drivers.

Big Apple subway and buses will soon be getting some much-needed improvements at the expense of drivers heading into Manhattan.

“I think it’s a good idea,” one New Yorker said Sunday. “Every day it’s very, very (bad) traffic, so I think it can be better.”

Motorists entering Midtown Manhattan below 60th Street will be charged a toll, which is anticipated to raise more than $1 billion a year for the city’s ailing public transit system. A panel of experts will set the surcharges by the end of 2020, but sources told CBS2 drivers in cars will pay around $11.50 and truck drivers around $25.

“I work in Manhattan a lot and I don’t mind paying for it to get in there and if it helps congestion, even better,” Long Island resident Ed Crescimanni said.

Congestion pricing will be an added hardship for Charles Alvarez, who lives in the toll zone but needs to visit his mother in a Queens nursing home.

“That’s crazy. I can’t imagine doing that. But I have to see my mother and it’s something that would greatly impact me,” Alvarez said.

MORE: Gov. Cuomo Proud Of State Budget, Calling It “Probably The Strongest Progressive Statement That We’ve Made”

Traffic expert Sam Schwartz told CBS2 he thinks the system will make difference.

“The bottom line is the city is a competitive city. It is a world city. We can’t have a world city if our transit system is running 65 percent on time and our traffic is moving at 4.7 mph. This will get us back in the ball game to be a world-class city.”

It’s important to note that drivers will not be charged the toll more than once per day and the FDR and West Side highways will not be included.


CBS State of Union Poll: 72% of Viewers Agree With President Trump Ideas on Immigration

It is going to be harder for Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to work against funding border security after tonight.

President Donald Trump’s State of The Union speech was measured by CBSafter delivery. The results were initally tweeted:

♦ 76 percent of CBS viewers approved of what they heard in President Trump’s speech;

♦ 72 percent of CBS viewers said they approved of President Trump’s SOTU ideas for immigration.


Deep State Media Money Runs Out!

During the Obama years, the United States repealed a longstanding propaganda ban.

This ban protected the American people from the predator media monstrosity we are all well aware of today.

For six years now, the gloves have been off.

It has been revealed that in the wake of a tidal wave of layoffs in the liberal media, the government funding for these covert operations ran out.

America now faces a lawless and desperate media T-Rex in its last throes of lunacy and treason.


Hacker group releases ‘9/11 Papers’, says future leaks will ‘burn down’ US deep state

The Dark Overlord hacker group has released decryption keys for 650 documents it says are related to 9/11, and promised that future leaks will have devastating consequences for the US ‘deep state’.

The document dump is just a fraction of the 18,000 secret documents related to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks believed to have been stolen from insurers, law firms, and government agencies.

The Dark Overlord initially threatened to release the 10GB of data unless the hacked firms paid an unspecified bitcoin ransom. However, on Wednesday, the group announced a “tiered compensation plan” in which the public could make bitcoin payments to unlock the troves of documents.

A day later, the Dark Overlord said that it had received more than $12,000 in bitcoin – enough to unlock “layer 1”and several “checkpoints,” comprised of 650 documents in total.

There are four more layers that remain encrypted and, according to the group, “each layer contains more secrets, more damaging materials… and generally just more truth.”

The hackers are asking for $2 million in bitcoin for the public release of its “megaleak,” which it has dubbed “the 9/11 Papers.”

By design, the “layer 1” documents – if authentic – do not appear to contain any explosive revelations. The publications focus mostly on testimonies from airport security and details concerning insurance pay-outs to parties affected by the 9/11 attacks. However, the data dump suggests that the group is not bluffing.

“Let this serve as more definitive proof that what we’re saying is true, and that we’re doing exactly as we promised you. Continue to keep the bitcoins flowing, and we’ll continue to keep the truth flowing,” they wrote in a message that included the decryption keys.

The documents – which were immediately scrubbed from Reddit, Pastebin and Twitter – are available for download on Steemit at the time of writing.

Shortly after releasing the decryption keys, the group posted an ultimatum addressed to “the nation-state of the United States of America and the greater deep-state.”

“To all the other parties involved (airlines, litigation firms, investigation firms, FBI, TSA, FAA, banks, security companies and more), we’re going to burn you down unless you begin to ‘play ball,’” the message reads.

Apparently angered by the fact that the ransom has not yet been met, the message warned: “We’re peeling these layers back like an onion. No one can save you except for us. Pay the f*** up.”

Although the group insists that it is financially motivated and not interested in “hacktivism,” they nonetheless expressed hope that continued crowd-funding would secure the full release of the 18,000 documents.

“We can’t allow the mainstream media to silence the truth any longer. We must ensure they’re propaganda is crushed by the truths we’re dealing today,” the hackers wrote after providing the decryption keys for “layer 1.”

The Dark Overlord claim to have hacked documents from not only major global insurers like Lloyds of London and Hiscox, but also Silverstein Properties, which owned the World Trade Center complex, and various government agencies.

The “megaleak” purportedly includes secret documents that were meant to be destroyed but were instead retained by legal firms, allegedly revealing “the truth about one of the most recognizable incidents in recent history.”

The group emerged in 2016 and has been responsible for numerous extortion schemes involving hacked data. The Dark Overlord infamously leaked an entire season of Netflix’s Orange is the New Black last year after a ransom was not met.


Islamic State Flag Found Near Suspected Sabotage on Railway

An Islamic State (IS) flag was discovered near a damaged overhead power cable on a Berlin railway track, according to German police.

Leaflets in Arabic were also found and authorities are investigating if the propaganda is related to the apparent sabotage.

“Since the beginning of the investigation, several pieces of evidence have been secured,” saidpolice.

Additionally, a torn steel cable was found at the scene of Sunday’s suspected attack on the tracks.

Given the possibility of this being a terrorist attack, federal police have taken over the investigation to officially deduce any “political motivations” linked to the findings.

Correspondingly, in October, German authorities discovered a threatening letter written in Arabic alongside mangled steel cables that were stretched across the tracks of a high-speed railway line between Nuremberg and Munich.

As of this writing, it is unclear if the two incidents are connected.


Sweden in “State of War” – Police Expert

A top Swedish police officer says his country is effectively in a “state of war” as shooting deaths have reached a new high in the Nordic nation.

Gunnar Appelgren, a security specialist and head of Stockholm police force’s gang conflict division, expressed his concern over growing violence in Sweden as the country recorded its 44th shooting death of 2018 – the most ever.

“It is the total number of shootings that is the problem,” Appelgren told SVT Nyheter. “It is an extremely worrying development that we do not succeed in reducing the number of deaths.”

“It is reminiscent of some form of state of war.”

Appelgren says there is “no quick fix” for the issues at hand, and believes they will take years to solve.

Over 800 firearms have been seized this year and some 299 people arrested in connection with serious crimes in November alone – up from 58 during the same period last year.

Appelgren has also warned that criminals have little difficulty obtaining hand grenades, which are often used to “shock” their rivals.

“Some groups initially estimated that hand grenades are good for scaring or attacking another group,” Appelgren told Expressen in January. “Then you are in a spiral, where hand grenades become part of the weapons used in these gang conflicts.”

Infowars has reported extensively on the explosion of crime and violence in Sweden. Recent reports can be found here, here, and here.


France In Chaos: Macron Considers State Of Emergency Amid ‘Yellow Vest’ Protests, ‘All Options’ Considered

French President Emmanuel Macron will hold an emergency meeting of senior ministers on Sunday following the worst unrest Paris has seen in a decade on Saturday. Government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux told France’s Europe 1 radio that a state of emergency may be imposed to prevent “serious outbursts of violence” after thousands of masked “Yellow Vest” protesters fought with police, and set fires to cars, houses and banks.


More Women Traveling Out of State For Abortions During Pro-Life Policy Surge

Women are traveling in increasing numbers to Illinois to get abortions, in what may be a reaction to a number of Midwestern states passing pro-life measures.

The total number of statewide abortions, as well as the number of abortions performed in Illinois on out-of-state-women, increased between 2016 and 2017, according to the Chicago Tribune. Women had 38,382 abortions in 2016 compared to 39,329 abortions in 2017, the Tribune reported.

The number of out-of-state abortions increased by nearly 1,000 between 2016 and 2017, rising from 4,543 abortions to 5,528, according to the Tribune.

Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Missouri surround Illinois and have passed numerous pro-life measures, perhaps compelling women to travel to Illinois to access abortions.

“It seems like a lot of these (nearby) states have increased the barriers to abortion and other health care for women in recent years,” Timna Axel, 28, who volunteers with Midwest Access Coalition said, according to the newspaper. “It doesn’t seem right there should be this island of health care access in Chicago.”

Midwest Access Coalition “helps women traveling to, from, and within the Midwest access a safe, legal abortion,” according to its Twitter handle.

Iowa passed a bill in May banning abortion in the presence of an unborn baby’s heartbeat, which is usually detected around six weeks. The law was prevented from taking effect, however, after a judge put a temporary injunction in place in June. Iowa bans abortions after 20 weeks.

A Missouri judge ruled in October 2017 that the state’s 72-hour waiting period is constitutional, rejecting Planned Parenthood’s emergency motion for a temporary restraining order on Missouri’s abortion laws. The Missouri House passed a bill in April banning abortions after 20 weeks.

“So many states around us are enacting dangerous restrictions that put the health and lives of women at risk, so women have no choice really but to come to Illinois,” Terry Cosgrove, president of abortion rights advocacy group Personal PAC, said according to the Tribune. “It isn’t anything but pure misogyny.”

Michigan, Mississippi and Wisconsin have laws banning abortion that would become effective if Roe v. Wade is overturned, according to the Guttmacher Institute.

Indiana law requires women to get an ultrasound at least 18 hours before they have an abortion, but that law is currently blocked by an injunction. Indiana also bans abortions after 20 weeks.

“The increase in abortions performed on out-of-state women is indicative of how truly regressive we are when it comes to protecting pre-born children in our state,” Illinois Right to Life Executive Director Mary Kate Knorr said, the Tribune reported. “Illinois is an outlier amongst our neighbors, whose legislatures have consulted science and found that discouraging abortions is in the best interest of their residents.”

“When access to abortion is politically restricted, those who have the means to travel will do so, and those without means are left most vulnerable,” Planned Parenthood of the Heartland spokeswoman Becca Lee said, according to the Tribune.

The number of U.S. abortions has hit a historic low, according to the latest numbers from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Nov. 21.

“I think women are simply choosing not to terminate,” Iowa Right to Life Executive Director Caitlyn Dixson said, the Tribune reported.


State Funds Nonprofit That Provided ‘Material Support’ to Iran, Hamas

The State Department’s bureau of political-military affairs continues to direct tens of millions of dollars to a nonprofit that paid a $2 million-dollar fine and admitted to providing “material support” to Iran, Hamas, and other groups the U.S. considers terrorists or terrorist-linked.

The lucrative contracts for IED and other bomb removal continued despite the Trump administration’s tougher policies on Iran and pledge to undertake a maximum diplomatic and financial pressure campaign against Iran and terrorist groups linked to it.

The Norwegian People’s Aid, or NPA, an Oslo-based humanitarian non-profit strongly affiliated with labor unions, has at least a six-year history of working for the U.S. Agency for International Development and more recently for the State Department for demining and other bomb-removal efforts around the world.

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