Why is Apple so vulnerable to a trade war with China?

  • Apple closes down almost 6% on Monday after news of a major escalation in the U.S.-China trade war.
  • The company assembles iPhones in China, making it vulnerable to price increases if a tariff were to be placed on Chinese exports.
  • It also sells a lot of iPhones in China, making it sensitive to Chinese consumer confidence.
GP: Tim Cook China Development Forum 2019 In Beijing
CEO of Apple Tim Cook attends China Development Forum 2019 at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse on March 23, 2019 in Beijing, China.
VCG | Getty Images

Apple closed down nearly 6% on Monday after news of a major escalation in the U.S.-China trade war.China said on Monday that it decided to raise tariffs on some U.S. goods after President Donald Trump threatened to further raise tariffs on Chinese imports last week.

The trade war is affecting a lot of different stocks, but Apple seems to be hit harder than most. The Dow Jones Industrial index dropped 2.6%, and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 3.5%.Apple is especially vulnerable to a trade war with China for two primary reasons.First, it assembles its iPhones primarily in China. Although it has a lot of American suppliers — it spent $60 billion on American suppliers in 2018 — iPhone assembly is done in mainland China.Whenever new tariffs are announced, investors must keep an eye on the details because it’s possible that some of Apple’s products could get caught in the crossfire.Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty estimates that a 25% tariff on the iPhone could lead to a price increase of $160 for the iPhone XS. Or Apple could eat the tax, which could lead to a 23% decrease in earnings per share in 2020.

“Apple has one of the most significant exposures to Chinese exports to the US in our IT Hardware coverage group, given final assembly for many of its consumer electronic devices is located in China,” Huberty wrote in a note last week.“And given the reliance on China’s established, low-cost labor force and expertise in manufacturing/tooling, a large-scale move out of the country would not only be costly, but could take multiple years to complete, potentially raising the odds of execution risk, in our view,” the note continued.Last fall, a draft list of one of Trump’s round of China tariffs would have affected the Apple Watch and Apple AirPods, for example, although the final list did not affect Apple’s products.The other reason is that Apple, unlike other big tech companies, makes a substantial amount of its money by selling its products to Chinese consumers.Apple reported $51 billion in revenue in 2018 from “Greater China,” which includes Hong Kong and Taiwan. That’s Apple’s third-biggest region, after the Americas and Europe. Apple’s total revenue for the year was $265.6 billion.When Apple said earlier this year that its holiday quarter revenue would be significantly less than it had previously said to expect, it blamed a bad economic climate in China.“It’s clear that the economy began to slow there for the second half and what I believe to be the case is the trade tensions between the United States and China put additional pressure on their economy,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said in an interview with CNBC in January.“One of the reasons Apple CEO cited for China improvement was increased consumer confidence due to easing of US-China trade tensions,” UBS analyst Timothy Arcuri wrote in a note last week.“However, in recent days, trade tensions have escalated and it bears watching whether this affects China consumer sentiment,” the note continued.Apple has consistently opposed Trump’s proposed tariffs, and Cook has personally told Trump that Apple does not support implementing taxes on imports from China.Apple stock is up 24.9% since Jan. 1.
CEO of Apple Tim Cook attends China Development Forum 2019 at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse on March 23, 2019 in Beijing, China.
VCG | Getty Images

Apple closed down nearly 6% on Monday after news of a major escalation in the U.S.-China trade war.China said on Monday that it decided to raise tariffs on some U.S. goods after President Donald Trump threatened to further raise tariffs on Chinese imports last week.

The trade war is affecting a lot of different stocks, but Apple seems to be hit harder than most. The Dow Jones Industrial index dropped 2.6%, and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 3.5%.Apple is especially vulnerable to a trade war with China for two primary reasons.First, it assembles its iPhones primarily in China. Although it has a lot of American suppliers — it spent $60 billion on American suppliers in 2018 — iPhone assembly is done in mainland China.Whenever new tariffs are announced, investors must keep an eye on the details because it’s possible that some of Apple’s products could get caught in the crossfire.Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty estimates that a 25% tariff on the iPhone could lead to a price increase of $160 for the iPhone XS. Or Apple could eat the tax, which could lead to a 23% decrease in earnings per share in 2020.

“Apple has one of the most significant exposures to Chinese exports to the US in our IT Hardware coverage group, given final assembly for many of its consumer electronic devices is located in China,” Huberty wrote in a note last week.“And given the reliance on China’s established, low-cost labor force and expertise in manufacturing/tooling, a large-scale move out of the country would not only be costly, but could take multiple years to complete, potentially raising the odds of execution risk, in our view,” the note continued.Last fall, a draft list of one of Trump’s round of China tariffs would have affected the Apple Watch and Apple AirPods, for example, although the final list did not affect Apple’s products.The other reason is that Apple, unlike other big tech companies, makes a substantial amount of its money by selling its products to Chinese consumers.Apple reported $51 billion in revenue in 2018 from “Greater China,” which includes Hong Kong and Taiwan. That’s Apple’s third-biggest region, after the Americas and Europe. Apple’s total revenue for the year was $265.6 billion.When Apple said earlier this year that its holiday quarter revenue would be significantly less than it had previously said to expect, it blamed a bad economic climate in China.“It’s clear that the economy began to slow there for the second half and what I believe to be the case is the trade tensions between the United States and China put additional pressure on their economy,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said in an interview with CNBC in January.“One of the reasons Apple CEO cited for China improvement was increased consumer confidence due to easing of US-China trade tensions,” UBS analyst Timothy Arcuri wrote in a note last week.“However, in recent days, trade tensions have escalated and it bears watching whether this affects China consumer sentiment,” the note continued.Apple has consistently opposed Trump’s proposed tariffs, and Cook has personally told Trump that Apple does not support implementing taxes on imports from China.Apple stock is up 24.9% since Jan. 1.
Apple closed down nearly 6% on Monday after news of a major escalation in the U.S.-China trade war.China said on Monday that it decided to raise tariffs on some U.S. goods after President Donald Trump threatened to further raise tariffs on Chinese imports last week.

The trade war is affecting a lot of different stocks, but Apple seems to be hit harder than most. The Dow Jones Industrial index dropped 2.6%, and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 3.5%.Apple is especially vulnerable to a trade war with China for two primary reasons.First, it assembles its iPhones primarily in China. Although it has a lot of American suppliers — it spent $60 billion on American suppliers in 2018 — iPhone assembly is done in mainland China.Whenever new tariffs are announced, investors must keep an eye on the details because it’s possible that some of Apple’s products could get caught in the crossfire.Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty estimates that a 25% tariff on the iPhone could lead to a price increase of $160 for the iPhone XS. Or Apple could eat the tax, which could lead to a 23% decrease in earnings per share in 2020.

“Apple has one of the most significant exposures to Chinese exports to the US in our IT Hardware coverage group, given final assembly for many of its consumer electronic devices is located in China,” Huberty wrote in a note last week.“And given the reliance on China’s established, low-cost labor force and expertise in manufacturing/tooling, a large-scale move out of the country would not only be costly, but could take multiple years to complete, potentially raising the odds of execution risk, in our view,” the note continued.Last fall, a draft list of one of Trump’s round of China tariffs would have affected the Apple Watch and Apple AirPods, for example, although the final list did not affect Apple’s products.The other reason is that Apple, unlike other big tech companies, makes a substantial amount of its money by selling its products to Chinese consumers.Apple reported $51 billion in revenue in 2018 from “Greater China,” which includes Hong Kong and Taiwan. That’s Apple’s third-biggest region, after the Americas and Europe. Apple’s total revenue for the year was $265.6 billion.When Apple said earlier this year that its holiday quarter revenue would be significantly less than it had previously said to expect, it blamed a bad economic climate in China.“It’s clear that the economy began to slow there for the second half and what I believe to be the case is the trade tensions between the United States and China put additional pressure on their economy,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said in an interview with CNBC in January.“One of the reasons Apple CEO cited for China improvement was increased consumer confidence due to easing of US-China trade tensions,” UBS analyst Timothy Arcuri wrote in a note last week.“However, in recent days, trade tensions have escalated and it bears watching whether this affects China consumer sentiment,” the note continued.Apple has consistently opposed Trump’s proposed tariffs, and Cook has personally told Trump that Apple does not support implementing taxes on imports from China.Apple stock is up 24.9% since Jan. 1.


President Xi Orders Chinese Army To “Prepare For War”

In just a few short days, China has proved that investors who have been underestimating the geopolitical risks stemming from the simmering tensions between the US and China over the latter’s territorial claims in the South China Sea and paranoia over the fate of Taiwan – a de facto independent state that President Xi Jinping is aggressively seeking to bring under the heel of Beijing – have done so at their own peril.

Earlier this week Xi Jinping, the Chinese emperor for life president provoked an angry rebuke from Taiwan’s pro-independence president when he demanded during a landmark speech earlier this week that Taiwan submit to “reunification” with Beijing.


And as if tensions between China and the international community weren’t already high enough amid a worsening economic slowdown that’s hurting global economic growth and a tenuous trade “truce” with the US, in another speech delivered on Friday during a meeting of top officials from China’s Central Military Commission which he leads, Xi took his belligerent rhetoric one step further by issuing his first military command of 2019: that “all military units must correctly understand major national security and development trends, and strengthen their sense of unexpected hardship, crisis and battle.”

“The world is facing a period of major changes never seen in a century, and China is still in an important period of strategic opportunity for development,” Xi said and added that China’s armed forces must “prepare for a comprehensive military struggle from a new starting point,” Xi said adding that “preparation for war and combat must be deepened to ensure an efficient response in times of emergency.”

Xi’s order prioritizes training with a focus on combat readiness, drills, troop inspections and resistance exercises.

It applies to all units of the PLA, including troops, academies and armed police, and is designed to “ensure new challenges are met and battles are won,” according to a copy of the guidelines seen during the television report.

In other words, Xi just ordered the Chinese military to prepare for war.

According to the South China Morning Post, the order “will kick-start a year of enhanced military training and exercises.” Which, of course, will build on the expansive military exercises carried out in 2018, where China flexed its military muscle in the South China Sea and Strait of Taiwan to show foreign powers that might support Taiwanese independence (i.e. the US) that China still takes the “One China” policy very, very seriously.


In addition to prioritizing training for military readiness, the CMC issued a separate set of guidelines intended to boost morale, affirming that military personnel would be promoted on the basis of merit while promising greater leniency and understanding for mistakes made during training.

As one Chinese “military expert” quoted by the SCMP pointed out, the order was probably intended as a warning to foreign powers who might try to interfere in its affairs.

Shanghai-based military expert Ni Lexiong said the recent “high-profile gestures” were probably intended as a warning to those who sought to obstruct the mainland’s plans for the reunification of Taiwan.

“[They] show how seriously Xi is taking China’s military training and its preparations for war, while also flexing its strength,” he said.

A former PLA officer was more explicit: a retired PLA colonel Yue Gang said that as well as the rising tensions between Beijing and Taipei,Xi’s rallying call to the military was a response to the growing uncertainty over the geopolitical struggle between China and the United States.

“China is increasing its military training so that it has the best solutions for the worst outcomes, either related to the US or across the [Taiwan] strait,” he said.

“Over the coming year, the US might use Taiwan and the South China Sea as bargaining chips to get what it wants from China with regards to the trade war,” he said.

“And there is always the possibility of increased independence calls from Taiwan.”

Meanwhile, China’s People’s Daily, the official publication of the Communist Party, reported Thursday that the PLA has begun an extensive “realistic training exercise” with live fire in Shandong, eastern China. The publication did not specify what the objective of this live-fire exercise was, nor did Chinese agencies report whether Xi mentioned any particular acts to improve combat readiness that the PLA either has already begun to take or will do so in the future.

That same day, the nationalistic Chinese state-run Global Times highlighted comments by acting Pentagon chief Patrick Shanahan, who told reporters that his top priorities were “China, China, China.” The publication warned American officials against anti-Chinese “paranoia” while also threatening to make America “pay an unbearable price if the U.S. infringes on China.”

“When Shanahan shouts ‘China, China, China,’ Beijing must respond by accelerating construction of a deterrent against the U.S. China must make good use of deterrence, learning to make others feel fearful without being furious.”

Despite these explicit warnings and military ambitions, we are confident that in the eyes of the market and general population, the prospects for a prolonged “trade war” with China will remain completely distinct from speculation about the possibility of a hot war – that is, until it’s too late to heed the warnings from US military personnel in the Pacific, who have been outspoken about the threat posed by the Chinese and their growing military ambitions.



Sweden in “State of War” – Police Expert

A top Swedish police officer says his country is effectively in a “state of war” as shooting deaths have reached a new high in the Nordic nation.

Gunnar Appelgren, a security specialist and head of Stockholm police force’s gang conflict division, expressed his concern over growing violence in Sweden as the country recorded its 44th shooting death of 2018 – the most ever.

“It is the total number of shootings that is the problem,” Appelgren told SVT Nyheter. “It is an extremely worrying development that we do not succeed in reducing the number of deaths.”

“It is reminiscent of some form of state of war.”

Appelgren says there is “no quick fix” for the issues at hand, and believes they will take years to solve.

Over 800 firearms have been seized this year and some 299 people arrested in connection with serious crimes in November alone – up from 58 during the same period last year.

Appelgren has also warned that criminals have little difficulty obtaining hand grenades, which are often used to “shock” their rivals.

“Some groups initially estimated that hand grenades are good for scaring or attacking another group,” Appelgren told Expressen in January. “Then you are in a spiral, where hand grenades become part of the weapons used in these gang conflicts.”

Infowars has reported extensively on the explosion of crime and violence in Sweden. Recent reports can be found here, here, and here.



China Agrees To Negotiate Trade Deal Amid Trump’s Trade War

After months of increased pressure from the Trump administration, China has agreed to negotiate a new trade deal. Time will tell if they can agree to a deal satisfactory and beneficial to the U.S.



Expert: Threat of Nuke War With Russia Greatest in 50 Years

Geopolitical expert Stephen F. Cohen says that the threat of nuclear war with Russia is the greatest it has been in over 50 years as a result of President Trump not being able to talk properly with Vladimir Putin due to the Russiagate allegations.

Speaking with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson last night, Cohen, author of War With Russia, said that the recent cancellation of Trump’s official meeting with Putin in Argentina was another disturbing indication that the president is being prevented from engaging in crucial diplomacy.

“For the first time since President Eisenhower, a president of the United States, Donald Trump, is not free to keep us from war with Russia,” said Cohen, adding that Trump’s cancelled meeting with Putin in Argentina would have been “very important”.

“We are embroiled with crises that are fraught with hot war not just cold war,” he added, opining that the recent clash between Russia and Ukraine in the Black Sea was a “provocation to disrupt the meeting between Trump and Putin.”



CIA recruited a Mafia gangster to ‘whack’ Fidel Castro at the height of the Cold War 

Handsome Johnny Roselli was the mobster in charge of running the Mafia’s casinos in Las Vegas and Havana.

But in 1959, after his ascendancy in the revolution, Fidel Castro called an end to gambling on the island.

This infuriated the Chicago Mafia heads Roselli and Sam Giancana and according to the new book ‘Handsome Johnny‘ by Lee Server, the CIA exploited their common enemy and attempted to have him ‘whacked.’



Allow Americans to ‘Opt Out’ of Abortion and War

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently released proposed rules allowing individuals to opt out of Obamacare’s abortion and contraception mandates for moral or religious reasons. These new rules should be cheered by all who agree with Thomas Jefferson that forcing people to subsidize that which they find abhorrent is “sinful and tyrannical.”

Sadly, Congress continues to pass, and President Trump continues to sign, spending bills subsidizing abortion providers. When government gives taxpayer money to abortion providers, it forces anti-abortion taxpayers to fund something they believe is murder. This is every bit as “sinful and tyrannical” as forcing health plans to pay for abortion and contraception.

If Congress is going to continue giving taxpayer dollars to abortion providers, then it should at least find a way to protect those with moral or religious objections to abortion from subsidizing the practice with their tax dollars. Creating a special fund for the taxes of those who object to abortion and ensuring money in that fund is not used to subsidize abortion providers would help ensure that anti-abortion taxpayers are no longer directly subsidizing what they believe is the murder of unborn children. However, it would force pro-life taxpayers to indirectly subsidize abortion because money is fungible. So, if the government used money from the pro-life taxpayers to increase spending on programs that do not subsidize abortion, it would be able to use a greater percentage of the taxes collected from other taxpayers to fund abortionists.

A better way to protect anti-abortion taxpayers is to give them an expanded charitable tax credit. Pro-life taxpayers could use the credit to support crisis pregnancy centers and other charities that help pregnant women and new mothers. This approach would increase funding to private charities, while ensuring that, since the plan reduces government revenue, anti-abortion taxpayers are neither directly nor indirectly subsidizing abortions.

Opponents of abortion are not the only Americans who should be allowed to opt out of paying for what they consider murder. The many Americans with moral and religious objections to Washington’s militaristic foreign policy should also be able to redirect some of their taxes from the warfare state to private charities. Some may claim this would weaken America’s defenses. However, since America’s military budget is higher than the combined military budgets of the next seven biggest spending countries, and since our militaristic foreign policy has little or no relation to actual security, there is no reason the military budget cannot and should not be reduced.

Allowing taxpayers to opt out of subsidizing war and abortion would be major victories. However, there are other government programs that might offer exemptions for moral or religious objections. For example, followers of Ayn Rand have moral objections to government-funded welfare. Some Christians also find government-provided welfare morally objectionable because they believe it is the duty of the church, not the state, to help the less fortunate. Others may find corporate welfare, the drug war, or restrictions on the First and Second Amendments morally objectionable.

It may be impossible to find a welfare-warfare state program that does not offend someone’s moral or religious beliefs. For many the entire welfare-warfare state is immoral because it is built on a foundation of aggression. The only way to stop the government forcing taxpayers to subsidize activities they consider immoral is to return to limited, constitutional government that does not steal from the people via the income tax and the inflation tax.

This article first appeared at RonPaulInstitute.org.



Levi’s Jeans Co. Declares War on Second Amendment

Blue jeans manufacturer Levi’s Strauss & Co., a symbol of rugged individualism for many Americans, announced this week it’s taking a stance against the Second Amendment.

The company revealed Tuesday it’ll be teaming up with notorious anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg to form a new gun control alliance for business leaders, as well as donate to groups working to “end gun violence in America.”

In a statement released on the company’s website, Levi’s revealed they will give $1 million in grants to various gun control groups, in addition to encouraging employees to volunteer at anti-gun non-profits.

“We are inspired by the young people who are speaking up on America’s gun violence epidemic,” the company wrote.

The attitude was echoed in a Fortune editorial penned by the company’s CEO Chip Bergh, who in 2016 banned guns from Levi’s stores after a customer shot himself while trying on a pair of jeans.

While acknowledging the company is “known the world over as a pioneer of the American West and one of the great symbols of American freedom,” Bergh goes on to say Levi’s cannot sit idly by “on issues that threaten the very fabric of the communities where we live and work.”

“While taking a stand can be unpopular with some, doing nothing is no longer an option,” Bergh said, adding, “That’s why Levi Strauss & Co. is stepping up our support for gun violence prevention.”

“You may wonder why a company that doesn’t manufacture or sell guns is wading into this issue, but for us, it’s simple. Americans shouldn’t have to live in fear of gun violence.”

Furthermore, the company made known it will match funds for employees who donate to organizations which support similar gun control measures, including Live Free, Gabby Giffords’ Courage to Fight Gun Violence group, and Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety.

While Bergh says he’s not calling to “repeal the Second Amendment,” a member of one of Michael Bloomberg’s previous anti-gun organizations exposed the group’s ultimate goal was an all-out gun ban.

In 2014, former Poughkeepsie Mayor John C. Tkazyik wrote in an op-ed he was leaving Bloomberg’s now-defunctMayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) group after discovering its gun confiscation agenda.

“Under the guise of helping mayors facing a crime and drug epidemic, MAIG intended to promote confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens,” Tkazyik revealed.

Writing at BearingArms.com, Tom Knighton, an admitted lifelong Levi’s jeans wearer, maintained he’d no longer support the company.

“And just like that, I’ll never own another stitch of Levi Strauss clothing again in my life,” Knighton stated.

“For one, plenty of other brands–less expensive brands, I might add–make pretty good jeans that fit me fine. Further, those brands aren’t working to take away one of my most basic rights as a human being,” Knighton wrote.

“So yeah, the brand is dead to me.”



Dems Wage State by State War Against 3D Printed Gun Designs

Defense Distributed’s Cody Wilson appeared on The Alex Jones ShowTuesday to speak about Democrats’ massive push to ban 3D-printed gun blueprints in America.

When it comes to censorship and suppression of this type of information “they are happy to do it,” Wilson said.

“These Democrats feel like they have some sort of public lock on cultural power and that if they just knock one or two people off they’ve got it… They want to end gun culture.”

Wilson highlighted that whether Democrats block the download of 3D printed gun blueprints or not, it is irrelevant because the speed of information is so explosive that email or next-day air works just as well.

“I named this operation ‘Integral Accident’ and what that means is in theory if the information can be shared in any way in this age then it can be shared in every way so there is no limitation, there is only the explosive immediate speed of information from any corner,” Wilson said. “So of course, if I am able to sell it to you, if I am able to email it to you and send you the link to it, this is virtually as good as being able to download it.”

Wilson also pointed out that the recent push to censor his blueprints by taking him to court has failed because they’ve now received “millions of downloads” in aggregate after the media relentlessly demonized them.

“It’s incitement,” he said. “They want someone to sue me.”

To date, Wilson has been sued in 20 states, but that’s not stopping him from killing it on the legal battlefield with his small team of attorneys.

“Now, isn’t it funny that no matter how many states they are suing me in, no matter how many courts they are bringing me into, I can now still give you my files today,” he told Jones.

“Isn’t that wild?” he asked.

“Every single setback in my career has only been an opportunity for expansion,” Wilson admits. “It’s going to be a tough hill for them to climb.”

In late July President, Donald Trump chimed in on the matter when he tweeted: “I am looking into 3-D Plastic Guns being sold to the public. Already spoke to NRA, doesn’t seem to make much sense!”

Liberal reporters were quick to jump on the president over the tweet which caused much controversy considering Trump campaigned as a pro-Second Amendment candidate.

A federal judge issued a temporary restraining order on July 31, the same day of Trump’s controversial tweet blocking access to the download of 10 different 3D printable firearm designs.

You can visit Cody Wilson’s website at DefDist.org.

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Massive Russian-Chinese Joint War Games Will Feature Nuclear Exercises

Over the past half year the West has increasingly taken note of the significantly heightened pace of both Chinese and Russian military spending and surprising leaps forward in terms defense tech advances.

Even when Chinese or Russian systems fail, as with recent news of a nuclear-powered cruise missile touted by Putin as having “unlimited range” but now apparently lost at the bottom of the sea, Western press takes notice, and a number of Pentagon officials have also warned especially of rapidly advancing Chinese systems.

Increasingly, the two powers are cooperating more directly as with Russia’s upcoming military games, said to be the largest such exercise since the Soviet Union, where China is set to participate by sending a mass contingency of elite troops.

According to the South China Morning Post (SCMP) the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will participate by sending about 3,200 elite forces troops, along with 30 fix-wing aircraft and helicopters to the Russian-hosted exercises.

